I’m known as B and during the day, I serve as the VP of Data, Research and Insights for Crispin. I’m a very unserious, serious person. I can convince you that probability and statistics are naturally beautiful.

I care a lot about thoughtfully outlandish creative (I’m a former Creative Director). I am obsessed about things that work (I’m a former UX professional). I have a tendency to tinker to test if a theory is directionally correct (I’m a former developer). Understanding is a joyfully restless pursuit (I’m a data scientist).

My path is a bit untraditional. If you hold enough space for math, science and data —you can also hold space for art. Trust me, life is big enough to fit it all.



My experience and skill set has resulted in my work always being a journey that, as a leader, I get to bring a diverse team of folks along on. What I am able to mine and stitch together provides the energy needed to create integrated storytelling and set business strategies that achieve goals, capture objectives, and usually, make cool shit that matters—

Selling, presenting, speaking

Research based hot takes

Creative and story direction

Deep audience analysis and insights

Digital architecture

Cultural decoding and recoding

Business/brand analysis

Ownlable space discoverer 

Quant, qual, primary, secondary

Technical analytics and measurement

Exploratory stats and analysis 

Data viz and storytelling